Monday, April 2

just another weekend. or was it?!.

What a weekend!!!!
Sadly I didn't get any photos from the event yesterday, but I helped with a fundraiser :) Lindo's sister's hubby was deported so we held our first of two fundraisers this weekend. It was a huge success!! There was food, music, drinks, dancing and a raffle. Our goal is to raise $2500 for a lawyer to represent his sister's case.
Lindo & I brought Easter cupcakes, little lunch chip bags and caprisuns. The kids had a blast with all that junk lol. And all the $$ is going to a good cause :)

In other news, I called my grandma Saturday night and she wanted me to send my cousin a million photos of my babies and Lindo because my cousin was sitting in her living room and could show her all the photos. So here's some of the ones I took over Saturday (including the ones to my grandma). Missie didn't want her photo taken though, so she's not in this batch:
Yes, those are my tooties from the hospital when I was born hehe. The skirt is one I decided I would sell because I'm fat and don't fit it anymore lol. It's by Hollister and I only got to wear it a few times, size 1. Snoopy wouldn't hold still for a photo so Lindo held him up haha. He's so cute. And I got a ham & cheese when running errands with my mom Saturday. It was divine! lol. It rained Saturday night so I thought I would get a shot of that. And Belle....she's funny. We went upstairs so I could wash my face and as soon as we got to the top, she plopped down like that!! I was in tears laughing at her lol. And of course that's my boo. He's got in trouble with me this weekend. But he's being pretty awesome about punishment lol.

Hope your weekend was amazing!!! Easter weekend is coming up! Any plans?!.

[happy monday wonderfulness]

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